For people that do not know what feng shui is, it is the arrangement of furniture to have a happier room. It is believed that leaving a doorway clear and some other placement of furniture can cause a home to come to good fortune. Check out the article below for some great tips on all things home improvement.

Stay true to the property and the neighborhood when you take on major renovations. If you live on a street of suburb ranch style homes, then putting in a colonial mansion is not going to get you the desired result you’re after. It will be out of place and not something anyone else will be willing to pay for later. One of the first things I consider isĀ window replacement Naperville adding new windows just simply increases the property value and offers tax credits.

Keep your toilet bowl clean by pouring bleach inside it. Although bleaching toilets might smell bad, it lowers the risk of spreading germs and illnesses. In addition, it improves the look of your toilet. If you are really concerned about the smell, try scented bleach.

Keep your closet free of clutter by organizing your shoes. Keep boots and shoes that you don’t wear often in a large plastic box, or in the original boxes you got when you purchased them. Only leave out the shoes that you wear at least twice a week. Doing this will allow your closet space to be organized, and your shoes to be neatly displayed.

If you need to do a project around your house, but don’t have the tools to do it, consider how often you will use the tools before buying. It may be more cost-effective to rent or borrow what you need instead of spending the money to purchase items that will be seldom used.

One way to save money and energy is to buy a programmable thermostat if you don’t already have one. A programmable thermostat will allow you to specify what temperature you want your house to be at any given time or day throughout the week, even when you are away from home.

Bugs tend to plague every household. A great way to ensure that you have it under control is by vacuuming and moving things around daily. Also, pinecones are actually a great remedy to keep bugs away. Collect pinecones and display them in a bowl to: repel the bugs, and add a chic touch to your decor.

List the things you need before you go to the home improvement store. Having a list helps you cut down on the number of store trips, and it will keep you much more organized.

Improve your home by removing items you don’t need. You will have more space and your home will appear to be bigger. De-clutter by throwing away, storing or donating unneeded items such as clothes, furniture, etc. Even packing your stuff away in boxes and putting them in the attic will remove things from your immediate living area.

If you’re considering a home improvement project, learn to perform some handiwork yourself. Your home improvement project will be more satisfying, and the overall cost will be much cheaper. However, do consider the complexity of jobs you might do. Will a major mistake require an expensive fix? If so, you might be better going with a professional. Have confidence in how difficult you judge a job to be, and go with your gut.


Improving your home’s energy efficiency is a type of home improvement that could deliver significant returns in both the short and long term. Possible improvements to consider are: installing solar panels on your roof, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and replacing any single-glazed windows with double-glazed or even triple-glazed windows.

Devote some time into weather-stripping your home. Even though your house might be insulated, there are probably small crevices around windows and doors through which air will leak. That means your house will lose cool air during the summer and warm air during the winter, leading to a higher energy bill when you run heating and cooling appliances. Weather-stripping your doors and windows will keep that from happening.

When working on a home improvement project, it is easy to forget that your supplies are a target for thieves. That’s why these supplies should be located in a secure spot whenever you are not using them. If the home itself is secure, with windows and doors that lock, it is fine to leave the supplies inside. If your home is open, you can still have a locked storage container to prevent theft.

Light is a premium often overlooked in home improvement projects. There are far, far more rooms in the world that are too dim than there are rooms that are too bright. Adding more light fixtures is almost always a wise home improvement job, and often a fairly simple one. In more extensive renovation work, installing more windows accomplishes similar results.

Lots of homes lose cold air or heat through clear glass windows. Glazing your large windows can cut this leak in half, saving you money.

If you live in a hot climate, replace your original glass windows with low-E glass, which can make it easier and more affordable to cool your house in the boiling summertime. Although the installation can be a bit pricey if you pay someone to do it, you will recoup your costs in energy savings by the end of the summer.

When repainting the exterior of your home, use plastic sheeting and masking tape to avoid getting paint on unwanted surfaces, such as your windows. Use drop cloths to protect your driveway, porch, and shrubs from dripping paint. You will also want to use 3-inch masking tape to protect the trim while you are painting the siding on your house.

Check with your local electric and/or gas company to see if you might qualify for a grant to weatherize your home. In the interest of saving energy, your heating and cooling company may insulate your attic, weatherstrip your doors and windows and even replace your ancient heating and cooling system. Take a moment to ask!

As you have learned from this article, there are many benefits for decorating your home in the feng shui style. Feng shui can be considered home improvement too; you can change the way your home looks by just moving things around.